
Posts Tagged ‘DIS’

I have no idea what this sign means, but it’s right outside the dorm I’m staying in for the next six weeks. Cute right? Maybe it has something to do with children because part of the building is a kindergarden. Today was my first day of class, and we spent the entire day drawing leaves, then making patterns within them, and doing interesting things with lines and shadows. It’s hard drawing after not doing so in YEARS. I hope after this trip drawing is something I pick back up as I think it’s a good skill to hold onto, and something that must be practiced. Still trying to get used to the lay of the land here, how the money works, and the prices of things. Its hella expensive eating out at any restaurant, and there aren’t a ton of options food-wise, at least not options I’m used to finding in NYC. I think the food is actually more expensive than NYC. The main options I’ve found food-wise are discount grocery stores, or expensive ones. Not much in the middle. I bought peaches at the cheap place, and they went bad in less than two days … I guess you get what you pay for. Pray for me, if I run out of money, I’ll just be eating cereal for a month!

Leaves I started drawing in class (above).

Below are some photos of my new home I share with Josh:

My view! There’s a series of lakes right outside my window

My room, I get a desk and window with a great view, I like sitting on the table and looking out the window.

My pink caterpillar-looking bed covered with flowers and butterflies, which was randomly assigned to me ..

We have a sink in our room, pretty nice I’d say, cuts down on trips down the hall.

My Closet! Way bigger than at home in NYC.


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